Adult Ministries

next steps

Upcoming Next Steps Meeting dates: 1/12, 3/9, 5/18, 7/27, 9/28

If you've been at CHC for awhile and are interested in becoming a member, this is the class for you! Come learn more about Chapel Hill's mission, vision, & values statements and what the membership path looks like. Register for our next meeting!


Upcoming Front Door Meeting dates: 2/16, 4/13, 6/29, 8/24

What is Front Door? This is an awesome opportunity for those newer to the church to come together with Pastor Paul and a few of our Elders to hear more about who CHC is, what we believe, and to ask questions. Also, you get lunch! Register for our next meeting!


Community Groups are location based groups within the CHC community that allow us to connect more effectively with each other and engage with our local communities through various serving opportunities.  Checkout our new Community Groups webpage for more!


Prayer Letter—Every Monday we email your prayer requests to a group of regular attenders who are committed to pray. If you are in need of prayer, please share those requests with us here.
Contact the office to request to be added to the email prayer team.

Urgent/Emergency Prayer Chain—At Chapel Hill we want to bring your urgent prayer requests to the Lord as soon as possible. Contact the office for more information. Send urgent requests to Caroline.


Engage is for those in their middle or older years of life to find a place to ENGAGE socially and in service with each other, our church, and the communities in which God has placed us! Drawing on life's lessons and achievements, this group seeks to honor God in this season by seeking opportunities to serve, mentor and share adventures with Christian friends. There are no requirements or expectations except pointing others to Christ using the gifts God has developed in your life. Questions or want to get involved? Email Engage!


Every other Friday we fill the church to play table top fantasy role-playing games like Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/Chronicles of Narnia. These are interactive group games played using dice and a created character as you play out the role of your character. Big imaginations welcome! Contact Pastor Jamie with any questions and for information on the next meeting dates!


Chapel Hill hosts regular Red Cross Blood Drives every 8 weeks. Sign up for our next Blood Drive 


Sundays, 8:30 - 9:30am

A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a discipleship study which enables people to read the Bible and discover what it has to say to them. Simple, memorable questions allow participants to understand the character of God, encourage them to obey what they are learning and help them to share it with others. Contact Dale Kersten with questions.


Wednesday January 8, 12:00PM - 1:45PM
Wednesday February 12, 12:00PM - 1:45PM
Wednesday March 12, 12:00PM - 1:45PM
Wednesday April 9, 12:00PM - 1:45PM
Wednesday May 14, 12:00PM - 1:45PM

Pack meals at Feed My Starving Children! The Engage group (and friends) gather together regularly to pack meals at FMSC in Eagan, with an optional gathering afterwards at Culver's in Eagan. Let the Engage Group know if you'd like to get involved or just sign up below for one of the upcoming dates!