Global Outreach Partners


We are passionate about finding opportunities for Chapel Hill Church to serve Christ and spread the gospel, reaching the global community, whether here (i.e. refugees) or around the world (missionaries and mission trips). We provide the opportunity to participate in these experiences through financial, spiritual and emotional support.


It is our goal that every attendee at Chapel Hill Church would feel personally connected to our

missionaries and global ministries and would discover God’s purpose for their

lives while embracing the responsibility to reach out to others with the gospel.

  • "To all the world..."

    Chapel Hill Church is passionate about global missions and supports the following missionaries...

  • Haiti Teen Challange

    Haiti Teen Challenge breaks strongholds through a foundation of Jesus using intensive spiritual discipleship, mentoring, counseling, education and prayer at their center in Haiti.

    “Building Godly leaders of integrity, so they can rebuild their nation” is their philosophy.

    For generations, outside governments and thousands of organizations have tried and failed to heal the nation of Haiti. (There is urgency because 65% of Haitians are under age 25.)

    Haiti Teen Challenge is working to repair the mistakes of the past, by confronting the fatherlessness in Haiti and creating leaders that rely on Christ to renew their families, communities and nation.  We are committed to bringing restoration to Haiti through Haitians. 

    Our call is to mentor and spur growth in young men and women through transformation in their relationship with God.  HTC students are equipped and mobilized to serve.


  • Hamilton

    Brett and Michelle Hamilton

    Send International

    Poland & Czech Republic

    Brett and Michelle have been serving in Poland since 1995. “The first 15 years we were privileged to be involved in seeing the Lord establish New Hope Fellowship (a Baptist Church) in the city of Wroclaw. A few years ago we turned the fellowship over to Polish leadership.”   

    Brett serves on the leadership team, preaches, and mentors men for the International Church of Wroclaw (INCW) (a church plant). This year, we saw the church grow from 25 to 50 in average attendance and there was good progress in making disciples.

    Michelle serves as the SEND Area Women’s Representative mentoring and counseling young missionaries. She also serves on the worship and women’s ministry teams at INCW.

    Family: The Hamiltons have four children:  Brandon (wife Lexi) was recently married, Brittany (husband Seth) and family are fully supported and serving in Canada, Heather and husband recently started a new business, Shannon (husband Conner) is slowly returning to heath from Lyme's disease issues and completing her undergrad degree.



  • Hipp

    Gary and Merri Lee Hipp

    Discipling for Development, A ministry of The Navigators

    Africa, Southeast Asia and Bulgaria

    In 1979, Merri Lee’s father Richard Patterson founded Mission: Moving Mountains because no other mission group he sought to partner with would embrace a ministry that integrated medicine and discipleship. “We were sent out as their first full time missionaries in 1986. With our daughter Carissa (3) and son Samuel (almost 1), we led a team of three families to Uganda, East Africa. Here we worked for a decade pioneering a ministry approach we call Discipling for Development (D4D): a community based development approach integrated with evangelism and discipleship.

    Since merging with The Navigators in 2007, we have expanded D4D ministry from five countries in Africa to twelve. We have also expanded into four countries in SE Asia (Philippines and three others), two cities in the USA (Atlanta and Colorado Springs) and in 2016, Bulgaria in Eastern Europe (working among the Roma people – Gypsies). Our work as Directors of Discipling for Development and as International Mentors is an exciting God-given stewardship of grace.

    Our two children are married and we have two granddaughters. We are blessed to partner with our Chapel Hill home church in advancing the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into more and more nations. Thank you for your partnership!”


  • Pierce

    David and Jodi Pierce

    Steiger International


    In the early 1980s, at the height of the European punk rock movement, David Pierce started a Bible study on a barge (called Steiger 14) behind Central Station in Amsterdam, Holland reaching disenfranchised young people of that city. It was there that David started a band called "No Longer Music" (NLM) to use as a tool to communicate the Gospel of Jesus to these young people who would never step foot into a church. Read more about David here.

    Jodi is the co-founder of Steiger. In addition to her international leadership responsibilities, Jodi leads the Steiger Missions School in Krögis, Germany - a school that provides students from all over the world with the strong spiritual and practical foundations necessary for a lifetime of missionary service.

    Jodi, along with her husband David, raised two children on the edge of the red-light district in Amsterdam. In her book "Something Broken, Something Extraordinary", Jodi talks about her decision to leave the familiarity of home and follow God and about the extraordinary life to which that led. Although her life was not without difficulty, Jodi describes her journey with God as the richest life imaginable.



  • Pierce

    Aaron and Jen Pierce

    Steiger International


    Aaron Pierce has served as the Steiger’s Executive Director since 2014. As the oldest son of David and Jodi Pierce, he grew up in the center of Amsterdam, where he saw first-hand the transformational power of God in the lives of many lost and hopeless people. After graduation from Bethel University (St. Paul), Aaron served as a full-time member of Steiger’s band “No Longer Music” from 2005 - 2011 - preaching the Gospel all over the world.

    Aaron also served as Steiger's Director of Development and International Strategy from 2008 to 2014. Today, Aaron oversees Steiger’s strategic direction, continues to participate in evangelistic tours around the world, teaches at Steiger training events, develops new ministry partnerships and more. Aaron and his wife Jennifer live with their children, Asher, Selah & Hudson, in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Read more about Aaron here.




  • Pierce

    Ben and Courtney Pierce

    Steiger International


    Ben Pierce is the Director of Come&Live! and is the younger son of David and Jodi Pierce. Come&Live!’s vision is to create a worldwide mission community that will provoke and inspire Christian artists to use their God-given creativity to revolutionize the world for Jesus. Ben works to ensure the artists receive teaching and training, and pastoral care, and also works on the creative process of sharing their stories to encourage other artists. Ben has been a member of Steiger’s founding band “No Longer Music” since 2007. Since that time, his responsibilities within the band have grown, and he now co-leads the team, especially in the areas of recruitment and development. Read more about Ben here.



  • Meeker

    Steve and Jenny Meeker

    Send International


    Steve and Jenny are discipling a new generation of leaders and young people through the DPB House Christian Camp and Training Center in Croatia. Steve serves as the Director of Leadership Lab International, which prepares a new generation of leaders to serve on multicultural ministry teams in Jesus’ Great Commission. As a family, they are involved in the operations, discipleship, and outreach ministries of the camp as well.


    Ministry focus: Training, discipleship, leadership development, camp ministry

    Arrived in Croatia: More than two decades ago

    Favorite Scripture: "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16)

